Proteccion Civil Group on the Urbanisation

Did you know that the Town Hall is forming a Local Volunteer

Protección Civil Group

 Article in the Leader

Anyone from San Fulgencio can be a volunteer of the Protección Civil as long as they are over 18 or
over 16 with parental consent and they want to give up their time to  the residents of the area through
the various services that they provide.

How do you register with the Protección civil?
Come to the office of the Councillor of the Urbanisations  (C/Madrid Nº5) or to the Town Hall and enroll.

The volunteers of an association are primarily a group who collaborate with the distinct bodies of the local
security and emergency services.
-The missions often met:
Establish communication between the people in the areas of  conflict and the Security and Emergency

-Collaborate with people in the areas with most conflicts in order for them to respect the boundaries.

-Report abnormalities to the appropriate services in order to prevent a possible accident.

-Cooperate with the various services in order to develop the correct Emergency Plans in case of a large
scale event.


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