Local Fiesta 16th and 17th of January

Local Fiestas in San Fulgencio on the 16th and 17th of January to celebrate the Patron San Fulgencio and San Anton.

Monday the 16th of January.


At sunrise: Firing of rockets and bell ringing to announce the start of the San Fulgencio fiesta.

9:00am: Mass in honour of our Patron.

9:30 am: Entrance of the San Fulgencio Banda Unión Musical, parading around the local streets.

12:00 noon: SOLEMN MASS.

13:00: Traditional parade to collect the chicken, accompanied by the San Fulgencio Unión Musical.
20:00:Solemn Procession in honour of our Patron San Fulgencio.

To finish there will be a firework show.
Tuesday the 17th of January.


At sunrise: Firing of rockets and bell ringing to announce the start of the San Antón fiesta.

9:00am: Mass in honour of our Co-Patron, with the traditional Blessing of the Bread

9:30am: Entrance of the San Fulgencio Banda Unión Musical, parading around the local streets.

12:00 noon: SOLEMN MASS and Blessing of the Bread.

17:00: Blessing of the Animals.and a raffle.

20:00: Solemn Procession in honour of San Antonio Abad.

Fireworks to finish the fiesta.

Wednesday the 18th of January.

19:00: All Souls Mass.

Saturday the 21st of January:

As is traditional, there will be the COMIDA DE HERMANDAD, with the difference this year being that only groups who have registered will be given food. 

Place: Paraje " El Oasis".

Sunday the 22nd of January:

19:00: Concert in honour of Patrons by the Unión Musical San Fulgencio.

Place: Cardenal Belluga Theatre


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