Benidorm tobacconists warn of contraband tobacco on sale in British bars

Jan 9, 2012 - 5:33 PM
They have warned that counterfeit cigarettes brought in from China can be seriously harmful to health

Tobacconists in Benidorm have warned of a new wave in sales of contraband tobacco, particularly through British bars and restaurants in the town. Diario Información reports that the Civil Guard have discovered during the course of their investigation that a customer will select their chosen items from a price list which is displayed on the premises, and will arrange to pick up their cigarettes elsewhere the following day.

The aim this way is to avoid the contraband merchandise being discovered if the business is searched.

It’s understood that the cigarettes which are sold on the local black market generally come from Gibraltar, Andorra and China. The Chinese cigarettes are of particular concern to the Benidorm tobacconists, as they say they can be seriously harmful to health. There are no quality controls and they are made with unknown ingredients. ‘It’s been discovered that they contain a mixture of plants and manure, and have 75% more tar, 63% more carbon monoxide and 28% more nicotine.’

The tobacconists have also asked Benidorm’s hotel sector to inform their clients, especially the British, of the risks of buying black market tobacco.

Last month, the Civil Guard intercepted more than 350,000 packets of counterfeit cigarettes from China at port in Cartagena, Murcia, and another 560,000 packets of fake Marlboro cigarettes which had been brought into Spain via Valencia. A British man who was wanted by the UK for cigarette smuggling worth 8.2 million € was arrested in Valencia in November.

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